Holistic Support
We combine goal-based coaching with mindfulness-based practices. For example, yoga, meditation, and mindful eating. These practices have proven to integrate the mind, body and spirit.

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Strategies to Cultivate Balance and Well-being
We guide and teach you strategies to help you cultivate balance and well-being. These strategies are mindfulness-based. They can help you breathe deeply, pause, and notice the present moment for what it has to offer.
When families experience addiction, everyone suffers. The disease casts a wide net. It creates significant stress, pain, and loss for everyone. Individuals and families get trapped in destructive thoughts and behaviors. These thoughts and behaviors wreak destruction on relationships, jobs, and health. Negative self-talk hijacks the present moment for each of us.
We teach individuals and families simple techniques to help manage significant challenges in early recovery. Our certified recovery coaches guide and support you in processing negative thoughts and behaviors. In sum, our goal is for everyone to live with more balance, joy and peace.
Mindfulness-Based interventions and Recovery
Whole Families Intervention Services utilizes a mindfulness-based approach in each intervention and recovery coaching session.
Just What is Mindfulness?
The practice of mindfulness is paying attention in an intentional way without judgment in the present moment. When we pay attention in a direct way, the structure and chemistry of the brain begin to change. Science calls this neuroplasticity. In other words, the brain changes based on how and what we think and feel.
How do Mindfulness-Based Interventions and Holistic Recovery Work?
Our mindfulness-based approach to interventions and holistic recovery coaching is intentional. First, it’s about coaching everyone to be aware, accept, and embrace the present moment without judgment. Secondly, it’s about coaching those in early recovery to be present without the need to avoid the moment with addictive behavior.
As Buddhists say about the practice, “It’s simple but not easy.” To pause and breathe is not easy, especially when we get triggered. When the moment is challenging, it’s majorly challenging to accept it as it is.
We at Whole Families are here to walk alongside and support you in this healing practice.
Mindfulness Practice Calms the Mind and Body
When we are living in a constant state of stress, such as alcohol and drug addiction, or disordered eating, the nervous system goes into high alert. The body secretes the hormone, adrenaline, which prepares the body to go into the flight, fight, or freeze mode.
Practicing mindfulness and meditation can shift the brain’s neuronal structure. Consequently, the whole body and mind calm down. Our breathing slows.
Therefore, the mind and its racing thought slows. For recovering people and their families, this practice is hugely beneficial. Many experience less stress, emotional, and physical discomfort.
Living without the use of alcohol, drugs, or disordered eating can feel stressful. Families have experienced legal issues, financial ruin, broken relationships, physical and emotional sabotage. Many feel trapped by past behavior and are fearful about the future.
Whole Families Holistic Recovery Services offers both mindfulness-based interventions and recovery coaching in order to initiate long-term healing, deep in the brain.
The Practice Can Help With Cravings and Urges
Mindfulness-based practices can help curb cravings and impulses that can trigger a relapse. Due to the brain’s chemistry, mindfulness-based practices access healing in the brain deeper than talk therapy.
We experience stress when we desire things to be different than they are. Many of us look for ways not to feel a sense of dis-ease, that feeling of uncomfortableness. Cravings and urges arise when we’re searching for substances and behaviors that promise to relieve the feelings.
Thoughts and feelings can make us feel uneasy. Thus, we go looking for relief. Many of us use substances/behaviors that promise a fleeting sense of bliss. When we come down, we suffer from withdrawal. This is the incessant cycle of addiction.
Cravings and urges bombard us like a turbulent ocean. If we can ride out the cravings, we begin to understand their impermanence without needing to change or escape them.
Mindfulness-based practices help us to ride the waves rather than trying to push them back. Eventually, the waves calm down and the cravings diminish. The key is to resist the urge to fight back. We don’t ever win that battle. Eventually, we lose and give in to the craving. Mindfulness helps us to ride the waves with a bit more equanimity.
Mindfulness Helps Us to Pause and Respond Rather Than React
Present moment awareness allows us to recognize intrusive thoughts and feelings without urging us to act upon them. Meditation allows us to pause and respond with clarity rather than impulsively reacting. The practice reintroduces choice into our lives. As a result, we experience a renewed sense of confidence and empowerment.
Holistic practices can be life-saving. They can help us experience a sense of calm in the midst of transition and change. These practices may be the life preserver that keeps us afloat until we can find dry ground.
Call us today. We at Whole Families Intervention and Services are eager to support you in reconnecting to your authentic, true self. In short, these practices can be life-changing.
Happy thoughts from our Whole Families clients